Solar Panel.
Supreme Efficiency.

Experience superior energy savings with Supreme Solar. Harness the sun’s power to slash your electricity bills and embrace a sustainable future.

Since 2014, our customers have avoided


pounds of CO²

Find out how much you can save.

Start saving on your electricity bill with Supreme Solar. Say goodbye to high electricity bills and embrace clean energy!


Why Choose Us

Solar Panel Solution With Supreme Solar?

As a provider of solar electricity, we strive to provide the best for all of our customers. So this is what makes us the leading solar panel service in Jabodetabek.

  • Quality Product

  • No. 1 Supreme Cable

  • Tier 1 Panel & Inverter Import from China

  • Quick Installations

Our Service

Discover Our Range of Cutting-Edge Solar Panels

Experience exceptional efficiency, durability, and aesthetics with our premium solar panel collection.

On Grid

Maximize the power produced by the sun during the daytime and utilize electricity provided by the national grid at night.

Off Grid

Get independent solar-powered electricity, with or without batteries.


When a solar energy system is combined with another energy source, such as diesel gen-sets, gas, wind, and others.

4 Easy Steps

Slash Your Electricity Bills

1. Meet Consultant

Please consult in advance regarding the installation of solar panels with our customer success team via WhatsApp or on-site

2. Installation

We will do the installation according to the selected service. Installation usually takes 1-2 weeks

3. Save the Energy

Installed solar panels, will be processed into energy stored in the that battery you can use later after charging is complete

4. Harness Solar Power

You can directly use the stored energy for your daily electronic needs without worrying about the expensive cost


Who Always Support Us


Reach Out to Us

Contact our friendly team to discuss your solar needs and take the first step towards a cleaner and more sustainable future.

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